The Countdown Is On!

Turanville On Property Bull Sale
Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 1.00pm

  • Stud Quality Bulls At Commercial Prices
  • Outstanding Sire Power Matched By Maternal Strength
  • A Strong And Balanced Line-Up of Purebred Shorthorn & Durham Red (50% Red Angus) 2yo & 17-month Old Bulls


Leeds Lloyd T51 Senior Champion held by Sam Parish with Gillian and David Leeds

    On the back of her previous successes, Gillian Leeds and Leeds Family Shorthorns achieved a tremendous result at the Dubbo Shorthorn National Show and Sale in 2024, with 3 sons of Turanville Minister Q79 leading the charge of the sale team that took out the most successful exhibitor award.

    Returning to the Turanville Sale in 2021 Gillian purchased Q79 attracted to his low birth weight, calving ease and marbling. This was after the success of Turanville Zulu C101 and Turanville Image E108 purchased back in 2009 and 2011 respectively. His first crop of calves produced the Champion Unled bull. Then in the led classes the judge selected a young white bull Leeds Landline T70 as the Reserve Junior Champion bull. Lot 72 Leeds Lloyds T51 then came out and was awarded Senior Champion bull.

    Congratulations Gillian and family – it is exciting to see you achieve great results with Turanville genetics.


    JBS Northern Division General Manager of Livestock Edwin Cooke with Ash Morgan The Grove Shorthorns Condamine

    The Grove Shorthorns have held an illustrious position when it comes to the EKKA Paddock to Palate Carcase Competition. In particular Class 40 the HGP Free 100 Day Fed category. In the past 4 years (since the inception of Class 40) The Grove has taken out Champion Overall Pen three times.

    The domination of The Grove in this competition over the years has showcased how versatile Shorthorns are, be it in the feed yard or the chillers the results speak for themselves.

    In the 2024 feedlot performance section results The Grove took out the 40a Class for Best Weight Gain Pen of HGP Free steers with a weight gain of 2.452kg. Of particular interest to us is that sires purchased from Turanville are represented in this great result. Turanville Informer P85 (purchased 2019) has 3 steers and Turanville Crusher Q92 (purchased 2021) has 1 steer.

    Congratulations to the Morgan family and best of luck in the carcase section next month.

    Ongoing Success of Turanville Graduates…

    Mittiebah H132

    Purchased by The Grove Shorthorns for just $4,000

    • His first sons (9) sold up to $33,000 and averaged $14,600
    • Now a trait leader for 200, 400, 600 day growth & Milk in PHA
    • Over 140 analysed progeny and an IMF EBV of +1.7 (more than double the breed average*) coupled with a +5.5 EMA
    • Still an influential sire with sons going to auction in 2023

    * Based on breed average IMF Figure of +0.8 in PHA


      Purchased by Leeds Family Shorthorns
      for just $6,000…

      • Sire of the Grand Champion Bull at the 2015 National Shorthorn Show and Sale
      • His daughters also produced THIS YEAR’S Champion and Reserve Champion unled bulls at the National Shorthorn Show and Sale

       Leeds Canna Marelda J44 Sire: Turanville Image E108
      Dam of Dubbo Unled Champion 2023 Leeds Koolie S23


      Proven Carcase Results

      Sydney Royal Easter Show Carcase Competition Results include 2 Gold Medals, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze across show steer and feedlot trial competitions demonstrating the outstanding versatility of carcase merits



      Clients That Keep Coming Back…

      80% of individual buyers were repeat clients in 2022 while 87% were repeat clients in 2021



      Purchasers Right Around Australia

      Our bulls have gone into operations through various regions and climates of Australia, from central QLD in the North, right through Northern and Central NSW, the Riverina, Victoria all the way to King Island and Tasmania in the South

      Including Stud Buyers

      The Grove, Spry’s, Futurity, Yamburgan, Weebollabolla, Bungulla, Nero and Nagol Park, Broome, Arubial, etc.



      Bulls that are AFFORDABLE

      In 2022, Turanville bulls averaged $10,879

      Nearly $8,000 CHEAPER than Australia’s Premier Shorthorn Stud Sale Averages*

      *Based on the combined average of Australia’s four highest Shorthorn stud sale averages in 2022



      Please contact us if you would like a mailed catalogue.

      Inspection of the bulls is welcomed any time at Turanville.
      Please contact Doug either on his mobile or by email:

      Mobile: 0418 619 909
